Requesting Research AssistanceSubmitting Your Research Request
The RCGS accepts requests for look-ups and to answer specific research questions. In your request, please include your name, postal address, email address and phone number. The research staff are busy; priority is given to members' requests. Also consider joining the Society to get these benefits:
Rock County Genealogical Society PO Box 0936 Janesville, WI 53547-0936 Please Include with your Research Request:
RCGS Library Contents: The Library consists of hundreds of bound volumes, manuscripts and pamphlets, vertical file drawers of manuscripts and clippings, school records and business records, and yearbooks, maps, and Pioneer Family files, photographs, extensive Rock County cemetery records, 100 unique indexes to Rock County birth, marriage, and death records (full records housed at the Rock County Courthouse), an assortment of diaries, bibles and other family records, scrapbooks and the library and archival collections of the Milton House Museum. The holdings are non-circulating.
Wait - Why isn't everything free?We understand that researchers would like us to provide Family Research help at no charge. So here is where we make our case for our fee-based research services:
All About the Library & ArchivesLibrary & Archive Hours: Archives are open Wednesday through Friday, 10 am - 4 pm and closed holidays. Call ahead at (608) 580-0149 to make sure the facility is open on the date of your planned visit. No food, beverage or smoking is allowed. Use of smarts phone, scanners and digital cameras are forbidden. Admission Fees: Admission is free to Society Members, but there is a $10 per day admission fee if you are not a member of the Rock County Genealogical Society or Milton House Historical Society which share space and records at the Milton House located at 18 S. Janesville St., Milton, WI on the grounds of the historic Milton House Museum. The research materials are available for supervised and assisted research by the Society's library volunteer staff. Photocopy services are available. Library Research Services & Fees:You can pre-purchase or pay for research right in our RCGS Store. Research fees vary depending on membership status, volume of copies, complexity and time required to fulfill the request:
Library Research Services - Options Include:
Library Research Fees: The Library research staff also provide fee-based research (view: research request form):
Before You Hire Research Help
Several considerations should go into your decision to hire RCGS Library research.
Get to Know Us - Talk to or correspond with our RCGS Library research staff to establish rapport, trust and a clear, understanding of the Library's expertise, capabilities and fees.
Develop Clear Expectations - Begin by setting a realistic budget and shaping the scope of your research assignment accordingly. Start small. Our researchers have no problem beginning with a narrow assignment - like obtaining a copy of a specific marriage record, scanning our RCGS library, or providing a $5 Snippet copy of page(s) of one promising published RCGS Index showing all members of one surname. Build from there.
Prepare Your Family Information as a Starting Point - You will save time and money if your researcher has a firm foundation upon which to build a research strategy. Tell your researcher which facts have solid sources and which are hearsay. There is no need to pay someone to retrace research you have already documented.
Expect to "Pay as You go" - This way, both you and the Library are “invested” in your research.
Research Results are Not Predictable - It is important to understand that you will be billed for research time, regardless of the quantity of results. Researchers can promise to spend research time wisely, but we cannot guarantee what, if anything, we may find. Many hours of diligent research may produce a rich family history, or find only scant trace of your ancestors who may have tread only lightly in Rock County. Results will vary for reasons beyond your researcher's control.
Expect Us to Store and Share Your Research Results - Of course we agree not to share information about any living relatives with anyone, but the underlying information in our Library is public domain and available to other researchers. We often keep a file of past research projects as a resource, in the event you return to commission additional research OR, as a starting point, if a "cousin" requests similar research. Unless you specify otherwise, we put researchers with common family interests in touch with one another so that they can share their genealogies.
Develop Clear Expectations - Begin by setting a realistic budget and shaping the scope of your research assignment accordingly. Start small. Our researchers have no problem beginning with a narrow assignment - like obtaining a copy of a specific marriage record, scanning our RCGS library, or providing a $5 Snippet copy of page(s) of one promising published RCGS Index showing all members of one surname. Build from there.
Prepare Your Family Information as a Starting Point - You will save time and money if your researcher has a firm foundation upon which to build a research strategy. Tell your researcher which facts have solid sources and which are hearsay. There is no need to pay someone to retrace research you have already documented.
Expect to "Pay as You go" - This way, both you and the Library are “invested” in your research.
Research Results are Not Predictable - It is important to understand that you will be billed for research time, regardless of the quantity of results. Researchers can promise to spend research time wisely, but we cannot guarantee what, if anything, we may find. Many hours of diligent research may produce a rich family history, or find only scant trace of your ancestors who may have tread only lightly in Rock County. Results will vary for reasons beyond your researcher's control.
Expect Us to Store and Share Your Research Results - Of course we agree not to share information about any living relatives with anyone, but the underlying information in our Library is public domain and available to other researchers. We often keep a file of past research projects as a resource, in the event you return to commission additional research OR, as a starting point, if a "cousin" requests similar research. Unless you specify otherwise, we put researchers with common family interests in touch with one another so that they can share their genealogies.