Janesville World War Two Corregidore Memorial Names Index & Photos
Scroll Down for the Surname Index
This index provides the names of U. S. Army servicemen of Company A of the 192nd Tank Battalion during the Second World War. The 192nd Tank Battalion of the United States Army was a federalized Army National Guard unit activated in November 1940. Deployed to the Philippines, the battalion was engaged in combat during the Japanese invasion and the US retreat to the Bataan Peninsula. The 192nd was part of the force that surrendered to the Japanese there, and it subsequently ceased to exist as an active unit. Some prisoners at Cabanatuan were rescued by US Army Rangers on 30 December 1944. Others were sent to Japan or other parts of the Japanese empire as laborers. The men of Company A were recruited from Rock County and its environs and became known as “The Janesville 99.” Of these 99, only 35 men would return alive.
All 99 names appear on the brass plaque of the one-sided WWI Bataan Veterans’ Memorial in Janesville, Wisconsin. This granite memorial stands over eight feet tall and is located near the northwest corner of Franklin and West Milwaukee Streets in downtown Janesville. This index contains the names of 99 service men along with their military grades and identifies those who died in the service of their county. By 2009, the last of Janesville’s Bataan survivors had passed away.
Information in this index was transcribed from high resolution photographs taken in July, 2011 by Rock County Genealogical Society member David Bradford on August 14, 2011. (Copyright 2011 by RCGS).
Additional research can be conducted personally at the Rock County Genealogical Society's Library located at the Milton House Museum, 18 S. Janesville Street, Milton, WI. Genealogically relevant documents may be reviewed there, or you may request copies or abstracted information from the Rock County Genealogical Society librarian at [email protected].
The names on the actual memorial’s brass plaque are generally (but imperfectly) alphabetized by last name; officers and late additions sometimes appear out of order. This index is fully re-alphabetized for ease of use.
This index is an indication of military service between 1940 and 1945. Researchers should use this WWII Bataan Veterans’ Index to pursue further proofs of service.
This index provides the names of U. S. Army servicemen of Company A of the 192nd Tank Battalion during the Second World War. The 192nd Tank Battalion of the United States Army was a federalized Army National Guard unit activated in November 1940. Deployed to the Philippines, the battalion was engaged in combat during the Japanese invasion and the US retreat to the Bataan Peninsula. The 192nd was part of the force that surrendered to the Japanese there, and it subsequently ceased to exist as an active unit. Some prisoners at Cabanatuan were rescued by US Army Rangers on 30 December 1944. Others were sent to Japan or other parts of the Japanese empire as laborers. The men of Company A were recruited from Rock County and its environs and became known as “The Janesville 99.” Of these 99, only 35 men would return alive.
All 99 names appear on the brass plaque of the one-sided WWI Bataan Veterans’ Memorial in Janesville, Wisconsin. This granite memorial stands over eight feet tall and is located near the northwest corner of Franklin and West Milwaukee Streets in downtown Janesville. This index contains the names of 99 service men along with their military grades and identifies those who died in the service of their county. By 2009, the last of Janesville’s Bataan survivors had passed away.
Information in this index was transcribed from high resolution photographs taken in July, 2011 by Rock County Genealogical Society member David Bradford on August 14, 2011. (Copyright 2011 by RCGS).
Additional research can be conducted personally at the Rock County Genealogical Society's Library located at the Milton House Museum, 18 S. Janesville Street, Milton, WI. Genealogically relevant documents may be reviewed there, or you may request copies or abstracted information from the Rock County Genealogical Society librarian at [email protected].
- Janesville 99 Biographies Collection
- Rock County Historical Society—The Janesville 99: Against All Odds
- Rock County Historical Society Janesville 99 bibliography
- Wisconsin Veterans Museum: Regimental History of the 32nd Division
- Exploration Films: The Janesville 99
- PBS American Experience: MacArthur Capture and Death March
- Hedberg Public Library
The names on the actual memorial’s brass plaque are generally (but imperfectly) alphabetized by last name; officers and late additions sometimes appear out of order. This index is fully re-alphabetized for ease of use.
This index is an indication of military service between 1940 and 1945. Researchers should use this WWII Bataan Veterans’ Index to pursue further proofs of service.
Index to Janesville World War Two Veterans’ War Memorial
Company A, 192nd Tank Battalion, Located at corner of Franklin & W. Milwaukee Streets, Janesville, Wisconsin
Company A, 192nd Tank Battalion, Located at corner of Franklin & W. Milwaukee Streets, Janesville, Wisconsin
BALDEN Fay enlisted Died in Service
BALDEN Ralph enlisted Died in Service
BARTZ Robert enlisted Deceased
BARTZ Albert officer Died in Service
BERGER Donald enlisted Died in Service
BLOOMFIELD Kenneth officer Died in Service
BOEHM Robert enlisted Deceased
BRUCE Jack enlisted Died in Service
BRUNI Fred officer Died in Service
BUGGS Lester enlisted Deceased
BUGGS Wayne enlisted Deceased
BUGGS Melvin enlisted Died in Service
BURCHARD Earl enlisted Not Shown
BURKE John enlisted Died in Service
BUSHAW John officer Died in Service
BUSHAW Delmon enlisted Deceased
CAMPBELL John enlisted Died in Service
CAMPBELL Willard enlisted Died in Service
CHAPMAN Alva enlisted Deceased
COMPTON Charles enlisted Died in Service
COURTNEY Daniel enlisted Deceased
DERY Roger enlisted Died in Service
DORSEY Leo enlisted Not Shown
DURNER Herbert enlisted Deceased
ELMER Wesley enlisted Deceased
FANCHER Wesley enlisted Died in Service
FANNING Harold enlisted Died in Service
FOX John enlisted Died in Service
GOFF Alton enlisted Died in Service
GRIMM Laurence enlisted Died in Service
HARRIE Robert enlisted Died in Service
HATLEVIG Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
HAVENS Robert enlisted Died in Service
HEDDLESTON Donald enlisted Died in Service
HILL Raymond enlisted Died in Service
HUBBARD Robert enlisted Died in Service
HUGHS Kent enlisted Died in Service
KEEGAN Harold enlisted Died in Service
KING Ronald enlisted Died in Service
KLITZKIE Paul enlisted Died in Service
KNIPSCHIELD Donald enlisted Died in Service
KNOX Henry officer Not Shown
KNOX Forrest enlisted Deceased
KRAUSE Leslie enlisted Died in Service
KRUG Fred enlisted Died in Service
KUBLY Robert enlisted Not Shown
LANGLEY Alfred enlisted Not Shown
LAWTON Dale enlisted Deceased
LOBDELL Lloyd enlisted Died in Service
LUSTIG Maurice enlisted Died in Service
LUTHER Henry enlisted Died in Service
LUTHER John enlisted Died in Service
MADISON Harold enlisted Died in Service
MADISON Ralph enlisted Died in Service
MANOGUE James enlisted Died in Service
McAULIFFE William enlisted Deceased
McCARTHY George enlisted Not Shown
McDONALD Osborne enlisted Died in Service
McREA Joseph enlisted Died in Service
MORELAND Claude enlisted Died in Service
NICHOLS Carl enlisted Deceased
NOLAN William enlisted Deceased
O'CONNELL Joseph enlisted Deceased
PARISH Philip enlisted Not Shown
PETERSON Marvel enlisted Died in Service
PHILLIPS Lewis enlisted Died in Service
PRUEHER George enlisted Died in Service
REX Emerson enlisted Not Shown
RICHTER Lloyd enlisted Deceased
RIESE Boyd enlisted Deceased
RINEHART Orvis enlisted Deceased
RYMAN Gilbert enlisted Died in Service
SAMEK Thomas enlisted Died in Service
SANDMIRE Owen enlisted Not Shown
SCHMIDT Emil enlisted Not Shown
SCHOEBERLE Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
SCHULTZ Donald enlisted Deceased
SCHULTZ James enlisted Died in Service
SCOVILLE LeRoy officer Died in Service
SEMROW Donald enlisted Died in Service
SHEA Bernard enlisted Died in Service
SPENCER John enlisted Deceased
SQUIRE Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
STEEN Arnold enlisted Died in Service
STERKEN Gerald enlisted Died in Service
STEWART Robert enlisted Not Shown
TEAL Forrest enlisted Died in Service
THORMAN Russell officer Died in Service
TREBS Edward enlisted Not Shown
TUBBS Jesse enlisted Died in Service
Van GALDER Edmund enlisted Died in Service
WALLISCH Lewis enlisted Not Shown
WALSH Ernest enlisted Died in Service
WALSH Stanley enlisted Died in Service
WASSON DeWayne enlisted Died in Service
WHITE Glen enlisted Died in Service
WILMER Ivan enlisted Died in Service
WOOD John enlisted Deceased
WRITE Walter officer Died in Service
BALDEN Fay enlisted Died in Service
BALDEN Ralph enlisted Died in Service
BARTZ Robert enlisted Deceased
BARTZ Albert officer Died in Service
BERGER Donald enlisted Died in Service
BLOOMFIELD Kenneth officer Died in Service
BOEHM Robert enlisted Deceased
BRUCE Jack enlisted Died in Service
BRUNI Fred officer Died in Service
BUGGS Lester enlisted Deceased
BUGGS Wayne enlisted Deceased
BUGGS Melvin enlisted Died in Service
BURCHARD Earl enlisted Not Shown
BURKE John enlisted Died in Service
BUSHAW John officer Died in Service
BUSHAW Delmon enlisted Deceased
CAMPBELL John enlisted Died in Service
CAMPBELL Willard enlisted Died in Service
CHAPMAN Alva enlisted Deceased
COMPTON Charles enlisted Died in Service
COURTNEY Daniel enlisted Deceased
DERY Roger enlisted Died in Service
DORSEY Leo enlisted Not Shown
DURNER Herbert enlisted Deceased
ELMER Wesley enlisted Deceased
FANCHER Wesley enlisted Died in Service
FANNING Harold enlisted Died in Service
FOX John enlisted Died in Service
GOFF Alton enlisted Died in Service
GRIMM Laurence enlisted Died in Service
HARRIE Robert enlisted Died in Service
HATLEVIG Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
HAVENS Robert enlisted Died in Service
HEDDLESTON Donald enlisted Died in Service
HILL Raymond enlisted Died in Service
HUBBARD Robert enlisted Died in Service
HUGHS Kent enlisted Died in Service
KEEGAN Harold enlisted Died in Service
KING Ronald enlisted Died in Service
KLITZKIE Paul enlisted Died in Service
KNIPSCHIELD Donald enlisted Died in Service
KNOX Henry officer Not Shown
KNOX Forrest enlisted Deceased
KRAUSE Leslie enlisted Died in Service
KRUG Fred enlisted Died in Service
KUBLY Robert enlisted Not Shown
LANGLEY Alfred enlisted Not Shown
LAWTON Dale enlisted Deceased
LOBDELL Lloyd enlisted Died in Service
LUSTIG Maurice enlisted Died in Service
LUTHER Henry enlisted Died in Service
LUTHER John enlisted Died in Service
MADISON Harold enlisted Died in Service
MADISON Ralph enlisted Died in Service
MANOGUE James enlisted Died in Service
McAULIFFE William enlisted Deceased
McCARTHY George enlisted Not Shown
McDONALD Osborne enlisted Died in Service
McREA Joseph enlisted Died in Service
MORELAND Claude enlisted Died in Service
NICHOLS Carl enlisted Deceased
NOLAN William enlisted Deceased
O'CONNELL Joseph enlisted Deceased
PARISH Philip enlisted Not Shown
PETERSON Marvel enlisted Died in Service
PHILLIPS Lewis enlisted Died in Service
PRUEHER George enlisted Died in Service
REX Emerson enlisted Not Shown
RICHTER Lloyd enlisted Deceased
RIESE Boyd enlisted Deceased
RINEHART Orvis enlisted Deceased
RYMAN Gilbert enlisted Died in Service
SAMEK Thomas enlisted Died in Service
SANDMIRE Owen enlisted Not Shown
SCHMIDT Emil enlisted Not Shown
SCHOEBERLE Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
SCHULTZ Donald enlisted Deceased
SCHULTZ James enlisted Died in Service
SCOVILLE LeRoy officer Died in Service
SEMROW Donald enlisted Died in Service
SHEA Bernard enlisted Died in Service
SPENCER John enlisted Deceased
SQUIRE Kenneth enlisted Died in Service
STEEN Arnold enlisted Died in Service
STERKEN Gerald enlisted Died in Service
STEWART Robert enlisted Not Shown
TEAL Forrest enlisted Died in Service
THORMAN Russell officer Died in Service
TREBS Edward enlisted Not Shown
TUBBS Jesse enlisted Died in Service
Van GALDER Edmund enlisted Died in Service
WALLISCH Lewis enlisted Not Shown
WALSH Ernest enlisted Died in Service
WALSH Stanley enlisted Died in Service
WASSON DeWayne enlisted Died in Service
WHITE Glen enlisted Died in Service
WILMER Ivan enlisted Died in Service
WOOD John enlisted Deceased
WRITE Walter officer Died in Service