RCGS Library's Family Research File Index - Rock County, Wisconsin
This index provides family names (surnames) found in the card files of the Rock County Genealogical Society Library. These family files are typically comprehensive and well-documented available for review and copying. Contact The Library at the Milton House Museum, located in Milton Wisconsin for more information.
SOURCE INFORMATION The information in this index was abstracted, transcribed and proofed in 2010 by Rock County Genealogical volunteers from the original Family Research Files of the RCGS Library This index contains information from 650 unique family research files submitted to, or conducted by the RCGS Library staff.
HOW TO USE THIS INDEX This Index is complete, insofar as it displays all surnames (last names), given name and other original Family Files. Researchers should use this Family File Surname Index to decide whether to visit the RCGS Library or, for a fee, request Research Assistance for copies of complete information in the holdings of the RCGS Library.
What kind of information will I find in this index’s original RCGS Library documents? In general the index is organized by surnames, but also displays related surnames and the name of the original compiler of the source. The Family File Index is further segmented to reveal the types of genealogically-related records to which the card index refers. These include:
This index provides family names (surnames) found in the card files of the Rock County Genealogical Society Library. These family files are typically comprehensive and well-documented available for review and copying. Contact The Library at the Milton House Museum, located in Milton Wisconsin for more information.
SOURCE INFORMATION The information in this index was abstracted, transcribed and proofed in 2010 by Rock County Genealogical volunteers from the original Family Research Files of the RCGS Library This index contains information from 650 unique family research files submitted to, or conducted by the RCGS Library staff.
HOW TO USE THIS INDEX This Index is complete, insofar as it displays all surnames (last names), given name and other original Family Files. Researchers should use this Family File Surname Index to decide whether to visit the RCGS Library or, for a fee, request Research Assistance for copies of complete information in the holdings of the RCGS Library.
What kind of information will I find in this index’s original RCGS Library documents? In general the index is organized by surnames, but also displays related surnames and the name of the original compiler of the source. The Family File Index is further segmented to reveal the types of genealogically-related records to which the card index refers. These include:
- Written Correspondence (some historical and some current era research requests from family researchers)
- Obituaries
- Death records
- Birth records
- Marriage records
- Census records
- Probate records
- Cemetery (Interment) records
- Family group sheets
- Other Miscellaneous documents
RCGS Library Family File Index
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The index below is a redacted duplicate of the more complete index above. It appears here only to allow search engines to index this page.
Last Name Related Family(s)
Abbott , --
Abbott , Bullock, Merriman
Alger , --
Allard , Ely
Aller , --
Anderson , also see Osborn file
Anderson , Davey
Antes , --
Apfel , --
Arkwright , --
Arms , --
Armstrong , --
Armstrong , Griswold
Arthur , Hennigan
Askin , Kinney
Atherton , --
Atwood , --
Atwood , Holmes, Mugeridge
Austin , --
Ayars , --
Babcock , Dowden
Baird , --
Baker , --
Baker , Case, Searles
Baker , Farman, Devereaux
Baker , Wyman
Baldwin , --
Barnard , Scidmore
Barnes , Garthwaite, Leonard
Barrett , --
Bartel , Akers, Smith, Thomas
Bartlett , --
Bates , --
Beals , --
Bean , --
Beebe , --
Beedle , Wilder, Watson
Belding , Parkhurst
Bemis , --
Bennett , Stinson
Benton , --
Benwitz , Mohns
Betlach , --
Bevens , --
Bigelow , --
Bingham , Johnson, Kapke
Bird , Sparrowk, Cummings
Bird , Stoker, Southwood
Birmingham , Tuck, Wende
Blackmer , Morrison, Campbell
Blackmun , --
Bond , Jacobs
Bordas , --
Borkenhagen , Larsen, Hillison
Boss , Coyne, Tracy
Boss , Nesbet
Bowen , Burnap, Fritz
Boyle , Lighthart
Bradford , Dunning, Lasher
Bray , Mitchel, Connors, Fanning, Buchanan
Brean , Curtis
Brickson , --
Broder , --
Bronson , Hebronsen
Brow , Breau/Brough
Brown , --
Brown , Urban, Wuthrich
Brunson , --
Buchholz , --
Buck , Stratton
Buck , Taylor, Lathrop
Buckeridge , --
Bullis , Voyce
Bullock , Abbott, Merriman
Bullock , Bartlett, Janes, Ormsbee
Bump , --
Bundy , Brunhuffer, Wood
Burdick , also see Osborn file
Burdick , Hurd, Scofield, Beverstock
Burrier , Hoover, Inman, Rummage
Burton , Jones, Hitchcock
Bush , Casler
Buskirk , Hartshorn, Jackson, Terwilliger
Butterfield , --
Button , Payne
Butts , --
Cadman , --
Caley , --
Caley , Keilly, Reilly
Campion , --
Cannon , --
Capelle , --
Cargill , --
Carpenter , --
Carr , --
Carver , --
Cary , also see Osborn file
Case , Baker, Searles
Case , Carle, Richardson
Chambers , --
Champlin , --
Chant , --
Chapin , Burchard
Chapple , --
Chase , --
Cheeseborough , --
Chesebrough , --
Chester , Stafford
Chilcott , --
Child , --
Chrispensen , --
Christiansen , Olson
Church , --
Churchill , Boothroyd, Dickinjson, Yeadon
Churchill , Newell, Sweeney, Roherty
Clark , --
Clark , Crosby
Clark , Heim
Clarke , also see Osborn file
Clarke , Edwards
Cleaton , Heintz, Jungblut
Cleland , --
Cleland , Bristol, Pettibone, Munger
Close , Malone
Clothier , --
Cobb , --
Cole , Egery
Conant , --
Connavry , --
Connolly , --
Conroy , --
Conry , --
Converse , --
Cook , --
Cooney , --
Corey , --
Cornell , --
Corwin , --
Coughlin , also see Hanson file
Courtier , Allen
Cowham , --
Cramer , --
Crisman , Fiese
Croak , --
Crosby , --
Crosby , Badertscher
Cross , Slawson, VanKirk
Crossman , Clark
Crotsenburg , Krysenbergh
Crowther , --
Cummings , Pickering
Cunningham , --
Cunningham , Daw
Cutts , --
Dane , --
Danforth , --
Darby , --
Dary , Marsh
Davey , --
Davis , Bussell
Dearhammer , --
Deegan , Teatz
Demaray/DeMary , Robinson
Denniston , Caley, Denison
Dettmer , --
Deul/Deuel , --
Dexter , --
Dick , Withington
Dickinson , --
Dobson , Fenn
Donovan , --
Donovan , O'Connell
Doran , --
Dorn , --
Doty , --
Douglass , --
Douw , Dickinson
Dow , --
Downs , --
Duffy , Murray
Dulhanty , --
Duoss , --
Durham , --
Durston , --
Dustin , --
Eau Claire , --
Eddy , --
Egan , Cunningham
Ehle , Eager, Seavert,
Eller , --
Ellis , --
Ellwood , --
Emmer , Birmingham
Emmons , Goldsmith
Engebretson , --
Englehart , Teubert
English , Clark, Fry, Bessert
Ennis , --
Eriksen , Ronne
Esser , --
Everson , --
Fairbank , --
Fairchild , Baumes
Fellows , Ayres
Ferwerda , --
Fields , Billick
Fifield , Bull
Filkins , --
Finley , Lyons
Finn , Dobson/Dabson
Finn/Fenn , Dobson
Fischer , --
Fish , --
Fisher , Lowery, Babcock
Fluekiger , --
Foster , --
Fountain , --
Fox , --
Fox , Richards
Francisco , --
Frost , Ridley
Fulkerson , --
Fuller , --
Fulton , --
Gerloff , Rauch
Geyman , --
Gilbert , Cunningham
Gillespie , --
Gillette , Ross/Rozsa
Gilligan , --
Gilman , Knill, McNeal
Gilson , McBride
Glass , --
Gleason , --
Glendenning , Addee, Coulter
Godfrey , --
Godfrey , Peich
Goodhue , --
Goodrich , Cox
Gordon , --
Gorton , --
Gould , --
Gower , --
Graham , --
Grandy , Daves
Graves , Pettigrove, Stinson
Gray , also see Osborn file
Gray , Matthes
Greek , Sly
Green , Babcock
Greene , Duncan
Greenwell , Smith
Gregg , --
Grenawalt , Rummage, Everill, Nelson
Griffith , --
Griggs , Gray
Gruver , --
Gsell , --
Gulack , Gravdale
Gulbransen , --
Gullickson , Mosher, Vike, Hellum
Gunderson , --
Haase , --
Hackett , --
Hagar , --
Hale , --
Hale , Carlson, Wolf
Hall , Cass
Hall , Wilder
Halversen , Gunderson
Hamblett , Hicks
Hannaman , --
Hanson , Crave
Hanson , Frydenlund
Hanson , Hess, Coughlin
Hanson , Whitney
Hanson, Borg , --
Hantke , --
Harper , --
Harrie , Harry
Harrington , --
Harvey , --
Haskins , Kingman
Hathorn , --
Haugen , See Index in file
Haugen , Skogen
Haunson , --
Hawkins , Demaray
Heffel , Griffeths
Hegge , --
Heiden , --
Heller , Skaggs, Crow
Hemen , --
Hemingway , --
Hendee , --
Hernan , --
Herrick , Arthur, Edwardson, Courtright
Hess , --
Hess , also see Hanson file
Hessler , Allen
Heyerdahl , --
Hibbard , Kimball, Sanborn
Hickey , Quinn
Hield , Vandel, Woodstock
Hills , Coon
Hodge , Strickland
Hodgkinson , Brown
Holt , Olsen, Hovdejord, Tinne
Hopkins , Baker
Horne , Partridge
Hotchkiss , --
Houlihan , --
House , Wells
Houseman , --
Hovland , --
Howe , --
Huebner , Fleischauer
Huggins , --
Hutchinson , --
Hutton , --
Ihle/Ehle , Hanson, Vielberg
Ingraham , --
Inman , Scidmore
Jack , Beldin
Jacobson , --
Jeffris , --
Jenson , Flatter
Jero , Hafen
Jerome , Barrows
Johnson , --
Johnson , Ferguson
Jones , --
Jones , Roberts
Jouanneault , --
Joyce , --
Julseth , Noyce
Kabler , --
Karberg , --
Keen , Fries
Keeney , Babcock, Soule, Beeman
Kelley , Dalton
Kellogg , Crummer, Howe
Kemmitt , Roach
Kendall , --
Kennedy , --
Keyes , --
Kimball , Burnham
Kimball , Frost
Kimberly , Pratt
King , --
Kirkpatrick , Stewart
Knutson , --
Kompff , --
Kramer , Shea
Krouse , --
Laird , Ryberg
Lamm , --
Landru , Nelson
Lanigar , --
Lapierre , --
LaPoint , --
Larson , --
Lawrence, Timothy & William , --
Leake , --
Learned , --
Lehman , Holmes
Leibelt , Behrens
Lejenski , --
Lemieux , Weinberg
Lenz , Luebke
Letheby , Davis
Lill , --
Lingenfelder , --
Livingston , Monroe
Locke , --
Locke , Parker
Lokstad , Maki
Lokstad , Morkvalden, Tveiten
Long , Parker
Lord , Bolte
Love , --
Ludden/Loudden , --
Ludington , Bucklin, Coward
Luebke , Brandt
Lutes , Rood
Lynch , --
MacFarlane , Brand
MacLean , Graves, Frederick, Franz, Bittle
Madden , --
Madru , Carron
Magee , Osborn
Malone , Smith
Manley , Burdick
Marken , --
Marston , --
Martinsen , --
Maryott , also see Barnes file
Masterson , --
Mattison , Spaulding
Maxson , --
Maxwell , --
McArthur , McFarlane, Kyle, Barlass, Wlison
McBride , Doheny
McCarthy , Ludden
McClure , --
McCormack , McCormick
McDiarmid , Heitsman Hitzman
McDonald , Cary, Bailey
McFarlan , McLay, Barlass
McGavock , --
McKeigue , Harden, Carney, McClellan
McKendry/Kendry/MacKendry , --
McLean , Scarcliff
McMindes , Dean
McNee , --
McRae, Wood, Arnold
Megordan, --
Menton, --
Merrick, Hazeltine
Merrill, --
Meyers, --
Michael, Douglas, Richardson, Gleason
Miller, Wooster
Miller, Wraight, Lewis
Miltmore, King
Miner, --
Moes, Martindale
Mole, --
Monroe, --
Montford, --
Montgomery, Boles, Miltimore, Appleagarth
Moon, --
Moore, --
Moore, Putman
Moore, Stiles
Moore, Wright, Babcock
Morgan, --
Mork, Halvorsen
Morris, --
Morrison, Felch
Morrison, McGowan
Morse, --
Morse, Vaughn
Mosey, --
Mosher, --
Mosher, Sisson, Davis
Murray, --
Nagle, --
Nattestad, --
Nelson, --
Nesbitt, --
Nicholson, Martin
North, --
Nugent, Hephner
O'Brien, Hill
Olson, --
Onsgard, Brunsvold, Roen, Slinde, Mahlem
Opsahl, --
Orr, --
Osborn, Cary, Anderson, Burdick, Clarke
Osgood, Honeyset
Oswalt, --
Oviatt, Austin
Packer, Hart
Page, Searles
Palmer, --
Palmerton, --
Parker, --
Parker, Burroughs
Patrick, --
Patrick, Andree
Patterson, Pierce, Carman, Henke, Huntress
Paulson, --
Payne/Paine, --
Peck, also see Barnes file
Pember, Pickett
Perkins, --
Perlberg, --
Peterson, --
Phelps, --
Pike, Hammond
Pire, --
Plummer, --
Polley, --
Pope, --
Popple, Meloling
Porath, Ziebel
Porter, Fountain
Post, Armfield
Potter, Head
Powers, Dewey
Putnam, --
Rabe, --
Randall, Bruce
Randall, Harper
Rau, --
Raybor, --
Rea, --
Reed, --
Reed, Snow, Olds, James
Reed/Read, --
Reimer, Brower, Brunton, Wilkinson
Reindl, Bjerke, Lemke, Schandry
Resseguie, Cole
Reuschle, Middeldorf
Reynolds, --
Richards, --
Richardson, Holmes, Hart, Herrick, Spaulding, Corwin
Rider, --
Riley, --
Ripley, --
Roberts, --
Roderick, --
Roherty, Sweeney, Wetmore, Bliss, Burdick
Roloff, --
Romack, --
Rose, Howard, Humphrey
Rousch/Rusch, Schonlein, Jahnke, Plantikow, Wendorf, Viney, Carroll
Ruby, --
Ryan, --
Ryan, Murphy
Sage, Croak
Salmon, --
Sardeson, Hovland, Strand
Sarnow, --
Saunders, Wood, Palmer
Saxby, --
Scanlan, --
Scannell, Murphy
Schaefers, Carson
Schambaugh, --
Schulz, --
Scully, Hagerty
Searles, --
See, Cutcher, Carpenter
Sellers, Clemons, Ruggles
Serl, Chamberlain, Cashman, Hughes
Serns, Johnson
Seymour, --
Shields, --
Sickler, Carter
Silsbee, --
Silverthorn, McCredie
Sims, --
Skavlem, Weglie
Smith, --
Smith, Horkman, Conklin
Smith, Huntley
Smith, King, Murray
Snashall, Adams, Bingham, Leonard
Snell, --
Souter, Miller, Tomlin, Popanz
Spanton, --
Spelliscy, --
Sperry, --
Spoden, --
Spoon, Royer, Strang
Sprague, --
Sprague, Busjahn, Magill
Springer, Hubbard, Webb
Stack, Kirby
Stair, --
Stewart, --
Stewart, Leedle
Stimson, --
Storey, Prime
Stratton, Jones, Mullen, Schultz
Streubin, --
Strobridge, Sly
Stroud, Sanborn
Swan, Knudson, Hanson, Meier, Synstegard, Gammon
Sweet, Hawkins
Taggart, --
Taylor, --
Taylor, Bennett
Teetshorn, --
Terwilliger (Afton), Cole, Davis, Berry, Buskirk
Terwilliger (Jvl.), --
Thayer, Burnham
Thompson, --
Thorngate, Rood
Thorson, Wobig
Tiedemann, --
Tiernan, Crahan
Tierney, --
Tiffany, --
Tifft, --
Timpany, --
Toms, Cronk, White
Topp, Goetz
Trescher, Bellman, Jones, Marquart
Tripke, Wilke
Tubbs, --
Turner, --
Tveitstulen, Halvorson
Utter, --
Valentine, --
Vallee, Gilbertson
Van Doozer, Luchsinger, Fish
Van Etta, McLean
Van Galder, --
Van Gilder, Davis
Van Kirk, --
Van Wormer, --
Van Wormer, Daniels
Viney, --
Walters, Vollmer
Wandell, Holmes
Ward, --
Ward, Keating, Smith
Waring, --
Warren, --
Warren, Ayers
Waters, Earle
Watson, --
Wauffle, --
Weaver, --
Webb, --
Webb, Welch
Welch/Welsh, Cooney, West, Reilly/Rily, Cox, Thorne
Wells, --
West, Robinson
Westby, --
Wetherell, Smith
Wheeler, --
Wheelock, Hull
White, --
White, Young, Skipp
Whitmore, Koplin
Whittet, Striegl, Burleson
Wilcox, --
Wilder, Miller
Wilkinson, --
Williams, --
Wilson, Jones
Winegar, --
Winston, Bentley
Wirz, --
Wood, Walker
Woodward, Bliss
Wright, --
Wright, Baldwin, Phillips
Wright, Saxton, Thom, Hannah, Carpenter
Yates, Erler
Yeck/Jech, --
Young, --
Zamzow, --
Zastrow, Mack, Specht, Spielman
Zemke, --