Every name index to the book, Ancient History of Clinton, Wisconsin 1898
Indexed:by David & Janet Bradford, August, 2007
Copyright: 2007, Rock County Genealogical Society
Source Information: Title: Ancient History of Clinton, Wisconsin
Author: Cheever, R. W.
Publication: [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1898. 12 p. ; 27 cm.
Publication Date: May, 1898
LoC Call Number: None
Dewey: R777.587 C515 C1
Language: English
Repository: Wisconsin State Historical Society Library, Madison, WI
Indexed:by David & Janet Bradford, August, 2007
Copyright: 2007, Rock County Genealogical Society
Source Information: Title: Ancient History of Clinton, Wisconsin
Author: Cheever, R. W.
Publication: [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1898. 12 p. ; 27 cm.
Publication Date: May, 1898
LoC Call Number: None
Dewey: R777.587 C515 C1
Language: English
Repository: Wisconsin State Historical Society Library, Madison, WI
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Name Page Note Date
Abell F. W. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Abram C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Adee J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Allard D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Allard Sarah, Mrs. 11 special town meeting to repair her home 05 Nov 1861
Allen Pliney, Deacon 5 Allen Grove resident and Cliton area Temperance activist fall 1845
Allen T. J. 6 with B. F. Latta, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 14 Oct 1871
Allyn Albert W. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Ames F. A. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Ames F. A. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Ames F. A. 8 elected first justice of the peace of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Ames T. A. 8 current Clinton Village justice of the peace 1898
Ames T. A. 10 re: T. A. Ames' place neighboring old D. G. Cheever pastuure land
Anderson H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Anderson H. A. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Anderson Henry S. 6 became Post Master of "Bergen" on Il-WI state line 1898
Anderson Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Anderson O. 12 organized Ev. Lutheran Congregation in the Town of Clinton 1849
Averill E. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Babcock E. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Babcock T. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Babcock T. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Baker Eliza, Miss 2 first school teacher in Clinton 1843
Baldwin Almon 8 current Clinton Village constable 1898
Baldwin Jas. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Ball C. J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Barker J. C. 8 current Clinton Village president 1898
Barrett Stephen 3 elected Deacon of Clinton Baptist Church 23 May 1840
Barrett Stephen, Deacon 3 among organizers of Clinton Baptist Church Nov, 1838
Barrett Stephen, family 3 relocated from OH to Clinton Twp., WI Aug, 1838
Base Emil, Rev. 4 pastor of the Clinton German Luteran Church 1886
Bean A. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bemis A. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benedict Abbie 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Benedict Charles 8 current Clinton Village marshall 1898
Benedict Jas. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Martha 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Mary 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Noyes 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benson E. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benson Irene, Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Benson R. M. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Benson R. M. 5 served as the first W. C. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Bernard W. H., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1858-1863
Bird F. 5 Sect. of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Bird F. A. 8 current Clinton Village clerk 1898
Blynn E. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Boness Herm. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Luteran Church 1883
Bowers Dr. 6 followed Rev. C. C. Marston as editor of the Clinton Gazette newspaper 1879
Bowers Dr. 6 with R. W. Cheever and D. G. Cheever bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Bowers E. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bowers Norwood 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bradley F. C. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Bradt A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Breckenridge D. M., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1870-1873
Brewer G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brewer Jas., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1867-1869
Briggs J. P. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Briggs Wm. 4 served as J. D. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Bronson G. F., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1874-1877
Bronson Jno. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brotherton P. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brown W. C. 6 was proprietor of Clinton Gazette newspaper until 1882
Brownell Ezekiel 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (to Adaline Pratt) abt.1837
Bruce Jno. W. 8 elected first clerk of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Bruce Wm., Mrs. 10 president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Budlong J. E. B. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1894-1898
Buhring F., Rev. 4 organized the first German Lutheran Church of Clinton, WI 1883-1886
Buhring F., Rev. 3 delivered first German Lutheran sermon in Clinton home of F. Mix Jan, 1880
Burnett C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Burt Giles 8 re: barn fire near Clinton 09 Nov 1896
Butler J. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Butler John R. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Button Chas., Elder 3 engaged to preach in Clinton Baptist Church 28 Nov 1846
Bywater T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Calkins Willard 9 miller, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Campbell Helen 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Campbell J. S. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Campbell Janette 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Campbell Jas. 8 current Clinton Village police justice 1898
Campbell Robert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Campbell S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Carpenter E. J. 4 Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 1875
Carroll M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Case Adelbert M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Case J. O. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Case J. O., Mrs. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Case Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Caswell L. B. 11 special town meeting to raise bounty money for recruits 25 Jan 1865
Chamberlain J. A. 4 served as treas. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Chamberlain James 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Chamberlain Jas. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1844
Chandler George 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Chandler N. V. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Cheesman H. 8 resided in Taylor house, Clinton, WI, destroyed by fire 15 Jun 1896
Cheesman Henry 7 owner of late Griswold Weaver homestead; first frame building 1898
Cheesman Mr. 9 owner of earliest Clinton area frame building 1898
Cheever D. G. 11 enrolling officer for Union Troop recruitment 1864
Cheever D. G. 6 with R. W. Cheever and Dr. Bowers bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Cheever D. G. 9 former owner of early Clinton area home of Alonzo Richardson & father
Cheever D. G., Hon. 6 assisted Henry S. Wooster, Clinton Post Master until Apr 1867
Cheever R. W. Cover name of book's author 1898
Cheever R. W. 5 served as the first sent. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Cheever R. W. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1890-1894
Cheever R. W. 6 became sole proprietor of Clinton Gazette (later Herald) newspaper aft. 1882-1898
Cheever R. W. 6 with Dr. Bowers and D. G. Cheever bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Cheever R. W. 9 editor of "Ancient Clinton", born in old Alonzo Richardson home
Cheney C. L., Father 4 named Noble Grand in the reorganized Clinton I. O .O. F. society Mar, 1868
Christopher Newhouse 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Church J. C. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Church J. C. 8 occupied the Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator at time of fire 14 Dec 1880
Church J. C. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Clarke W. J. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church aft.1886-1890
Cleghorn J. F. 11 elected clerk at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Cleghorn J. F. 5 served as the first W. S. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Cleghorn J. F., Capt. 10 started first bank in Clinton, WI
Cobb Hiram 9 manager, Clinton Truck Factory 1898
Cobb Nellie 5 served as the first dep. W. M. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Colegrove H. B. 11 born c. 1821; arrived Clinton 1855; harness shop 1864; living 1898 1898
Colegrove H. B. 8 H. B. Colegrove harness shop was lost to fire in the Clinton 15 Mar 1896
Coleman Henry 6 of Clinton along with N. D. Wright ran Clinton Enterprise newspaper 1868
Comstock P. P. (sic, P. C.) 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Comstock Rebecca 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Conger H. S., Judge 8 ordered election based on petition of Clinton Village to incorporate 13 Dec 1881
Conley H. W. 8 current Clinton Village supervisor 1898
Conley Henry 9 buttermaker, Clinton cooperative creamery owned by farmers 1898
Conley S. 11 elected assessor at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Cope Dora 10 rec. sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Cornelison C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Cornwell W. H. 4 home site of reorganized Clinton I. O .O. F. society Mar, 1868
Covert Dr. 9 resides on corner adjacent to old Peck House 1898
Covert George 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Covert Mary J. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Covert O. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Crandall C. L. 5 served as the first W. M. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Crandall H. B., Rev. 3 preacher in charge of Clinton Methodist Church 1857
Crockett Mary 11 First primary teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Cronkrite H. N. 6 became Clinton Post Master Apr 1886
Crosby P. 4 fitted-up a room for the Clinton I. O .O. F. to meet aft. 1868
Crossier Brothers 8 fire at Crossier Brother's business below YMCA rooms, Clinton 15 Mar 1896
Crotsenburg J. M. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Cummings E. B. 9 resident partner and manager, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Danielson D. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Davis D.A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Davis J. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Dexter F. N. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church aft.1891-1894
Dickerman P. D. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Dickerman P. D. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Dimrock E. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Dodge Gen. 1 first WI territorial governor Nov 1835
Dow Alma 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Dow Carrie 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Downer Alma 5 served as the first L. Supt. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Downer Lucy 2 first white child born in Clinton Twp. 1838
Downer S. S., Mrs. 2 mother of first child (Lucy) born in Clinton 1838
Downer Stephen E. 2 early Clinton settler aft.1838
Downer Stephen E., Mrs. 2 one of first white women in Clinton 1838
Downs L. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Doxstad K. B. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Doxstad K. B. 10 current vice-pres., Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Drake C. P. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Drake C. P. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Dresser Carrie 10 president, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1890
Dresser Carrie, Mrs. 10 financial sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Duxstad K. B. 6 came from Vos, Nor. & settled near Knudsons in Jefferson Prairie, WI betw.1839-1844
Dyke Josephine 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Eddy Thomas, Rev. 3 preached Clinton Methodist Church dedication sermon 1857
Edwards Wm. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Edwards Wm. 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Ege W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Emery Abner 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Emery Anna 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Erickson O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Estell Lu, Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Estes 10 re: old Estes place now has buildings all around it
Ewing Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Farr Corryden, Dr. 4 served as W. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Finster R. 3 German Lutheran Clinton residents sought pastor
Finster Robert 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Flanders Elder 3 preacher in charge of Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Flemming J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Florida O. H. 8 current Clinton Village assessor 1898
Foltz 8 Harden & Foltz Meat Market was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Fonder Peter John, Rev. 4 priest serving Clinton Catholics beg. 1846
Foss W. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Franes P. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Fredrickson Fred 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Frink 6 Frink & Walker Stage Lines delivered Clinton mail until R. R. arrived until 1856
Gates Anna 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Gates Ida 5 served as the first guard of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Gates O. C. 10 succeeded Capt. J. F. Cleghorn as Clinton Bank president
Gibbons Peter 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Gilbert L. R. 11 elected assessor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Gilbert Lovell R. 2 elected first Town assessor 1842
Gillman Jno. F. 5 became Clinton Post Master 16 Aug 1849
Gilmore W. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Good J. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Guild Wm. B. 2 married Charlotte Warner died bef. 1898
Guild Wm. B., Mrs. 2 formerly Charlotte Warner died aft.1898
Gulseth O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hahn August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hahn Wilhelm 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hallestad (?) O. J., Rev. 12 records show origin of Ev. Lutheran Congregation in Clinton
Hamilton 6 with Turner, owner of Clinton Enterprise, Clinton's first newspaper estab. 06 Apr 1861
Hammond John 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Hanson B. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson C. L. 8 elected first Clinton Village president 25 Feb 1882
Hanson J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson O., Rev. 4 pastor of the Hanover German Lutheran Church; installed Rev. Rohrs 1891
Hapell H., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1886-1891
Harden O. 8 elected first treasurer of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Harden 8 Harden & Foltz Meat Market was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Hartshorn J. W. 9 owner, Clinton Truck Factory bought 1887
Hartshorn W. I. 6 became Clinton Post Master 28 Feb 1865
Hartshorn 11 Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise, Clinton's oldest business 1898
Hasse August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hatch E. B., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1858-1865
Hatch Minnie, Miss 10 president, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Hayes 10 re: old Hayes place now has buildings all around it
Helmer Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Henning August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Henning Fr. (Frau?) 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Henningson Robert 9 owner, Clinton Cooper Shop that was lost to fire 1879
Heron D. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Heron Fred 10 clerk of Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Heron Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Hildreth Ephram 2 home was site of early Clinton religious services 1839
Hill I. P. 9 foreman, Clinton Truck Factory 1898
Hobert J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Holgerson Thore 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Holmes Joshua 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holmes Thomas 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holmes Wm. 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holverson Peter 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hopson D. L. 4 served as S. D. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Horning Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
House A. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
House J. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Howard C. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hoyt C. G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hughes W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Humphrey F. A. 4 served as S. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Hunter Thomas 5 became Clinton Post Master 28 Apr 1856
Inman Alice, Mrs. 10 treasurer Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Inman John 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Inman 8 Inman house on N. side of Woodard Block was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Irish Anna, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Irish Ella 5 served as the first Assist. Sec. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Irish Jas. 8 the Irish Mill in Clinton was destroyed by fire 17 Feb 1896
Irish Jas. 6 became Clinton Post Master Apr 1867
Irish Nettie, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Isham A. S. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Isham A. S. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Isham Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Jacobson J. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jensson C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Jensson J. C., Rev. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jensson Mrs. Rev. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jerman E. W. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Jerman E. W. 8 elected police justice of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Johnson C. K. 6 served as first Post Master of "Bergen" on Il-WI state line 1895
Johnson G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Johnson Myrtle, Mrs. 10 cor. sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Johnson 8 Johnson & Seavert milliners was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Jones F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Jones J. W. 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Jones J. W. 8 elected first constable of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Jones Jessie 7 Jessie (Weaver) Jones, wife of Hon. S. S. Jones; d/o Griswold living 1898
Jones Milo 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Jones Nellie 5 served as the first R. Supt. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Jones S. S., Mrs. 2 daughter of Griswold Weaver
Jones S., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1857
Jones W. R., Rev. 5 served as the first chap. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Kanouse T. D. 5 spoke to Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Karberg J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Kelly J. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Kennedy Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Kennedy S. A. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Kennedy 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Kimball C. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Kimball John 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Kimball Martha 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Klass G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Knudson (or Natesta) Ansten 6 settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI (1813-1889) 1839
Knudson (or Natesta) Ole 6 first Scandinavian to settle WI (from Vaegli Val., Nor. (1807-1886) 01 Jul 1838
Knudson (or Natesta) Ole K. 2 first Norwegian settler; father of Henry Natesta
Knutson N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Krause Ludwig 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Krebs H. 3 German Lutheran Clinton residents sought pastor
Kundig Martin, Very Rev. 4 established Clinton Catholic services from Milwaukee Diocese fall 1844
Kunz C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lake P. W., Elder 3 moderator of Baptist meeting in home of John Lewis 11 May 1840
Lamonte W. T. 5 served as the first W. T. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Lanfald H. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Larson G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Latta B. F. 6 with T. J. Allen, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 14 Oct 1871
Latta W. J. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Lawson Lydia E. 11 First Int. teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Leek Mrs. Rev. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) 1890
Leek W. P., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Methodist Church 1898
Lettow J. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lewis Abel 3 elected Deacon of Clinton Baptist Church 23 May 1840
Lewis Abel F. 3 again visited brother John of Clinton summer 1839
Lewis Abel F., Deacon 3 visited brother of John of Clinton & held 1st Baptist meeting Nov, 1838
Lewis J. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lewis John 3 home was site of Baptist meeting 11 May 1840
Lewis John 3 among organizers of Clinton Baptist Church Nov, 1838
Lewis John, family 3 relocated from PA to Clinton Twp., WI 30 Oct 1838
Lewis Prof. S. B. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Lewis S. B., Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Lewis T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Limbo F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
LittleJohn William 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Loomis T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Losee Peter 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Low G. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Machen C. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mack Benj. 4 served as J. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Marsh D. G. 8 elected first marshal of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Marston C. C., Rev. 6 became editor of the Clinton Gazette newspaper 1879
Marston C. C., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1878-1881
Maxwell Spencer S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mayhew William A. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1898
Mayhew 8 re: the Mayhew Block of Clinton, WI 1898
McArthur Jennie D. 11 Second Int. teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
McCommons W. A. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
McDermot Dan. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
McNee Jas. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Mendenhall Eliza, Miss 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Merical J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Merrill L. J. 5 foreman of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Miller Louis L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mills Dennis, Dr. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Mix F. 4 home was site of first German Lutheran sermon in Clinton Jan, 1880
Mix Ferd. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Mix Johann 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Mize T. S., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church until his death 1867-1871
Moehlenpab H. A., Rev. 10 current assist. cashier, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Moore Mary H. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Moore Samuel 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Moore W. H., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1895-1897
Moore W. W., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church for 6 months abt.1872
Morgan F. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Morgan L. C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Morris A. H. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Murray Allen G. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Murray B. F. 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Murray Heman 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1843
Murray Heman 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1854
Murray Heman 11 elected supervisor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Murray Heman (sic?) 2 elected first Town supervisor 1842
Murray Horatio J. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Murray John S. 7 bro./o Wm. S; last of 10 siblings; living Clinton, sect. 19 1898
Murray John S. 7 Clinton (1841) > Calif. (1849) > Clinton (1866-1898)
Murray William S. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Murray William S. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Murray Wm. S. 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; resided section 19; died 1877 1837
Murray Wm. S. 7 elected among first Rock Co., WI Commissioners Mar, 1840
Muzzy Jennie, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Nagle J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Nash Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Natesta Henry 2 son of Ole K. Knudson (or Natesta)
Natesta (or Knudson) Ansten 6 settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI (1813-1889) 1839
Natesta (or Knudson) Ole 6 first Scandinavian to settle WI (from Vaegli Val., Nor., 1807-1886) 01 Jul 1838
Natesta (or Knudson) Ole K. 2 first Norwegian settler; father of Henry Natesta
Natestad A. K. 12 Lutheran planning meeting near his Clinton home 1855
Natestad Henry, Mr. 12 elected treasurer, United Norwegian Lutheran Church, Clinton Mar, 1892
Nelson N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Nelson T. T. 12 elected secretary United Norwegian Lutheran Church, Clinton Mar, 1892
Neufer P. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Newell C. M., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1865-1867
Newell H. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Newell H., Mrs. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Newhouse C. C. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Newhouse Kittle 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Nora 6 Nora Creamery 1898
North J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Northrup Harson 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Northrup Harson, Mrs. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Northway T. D. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Northway W. S. 8 W. S. Northway's news depot was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Olds B. B. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Olds B. B. 9 owner and initiator of Clinton Cemetery expanded 1860
Olds L. L. 2 second clerk of Clinton Congregational Church; son of R. B. Olds
Olds L. L. 9 grandson of B. B. Olds
Olds R. B. 2 first clerk of Clinton Congregational Church; d. bef.1898; f/o L. L. Olds
Olds Sarah 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Oleson K. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Oleson S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Olmstead H. 8 H. Olmstead's residence was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Pangborn J. L. 8 J. L. Pangborn's shoe store was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Park H. H. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Parker B. F. 5 spoke to Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Parsons T. J., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church beg. 30 Aug 1896
Paschke J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Paulson Emma, Miss 10 treasurer, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Peet Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Peet S. D. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1878-1885
Peet S. D. Rev. 6 publisher of the American Antiquarian magazine from Clinton bef.1898
Perkins Mrs. 4 owner of Millinery Parlors; Clinton I. O .O. F. met upstairs aft.1868
Perley Stephen 5 appointed Clinton Post Master 12 Jul 1844
Perrine Anna 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Perrine John 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Peters A. V. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Phillips O. J. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Pickett Moses, Rev. 3 re-engaged to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 07 Sep 1844
Pickett Moses, Rev. 3 secured to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 11 Nov 1843
Pierce H. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Pierce Joseph S. 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (Justice of Peace) abt. 1837
Pierce 8 re: "The Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Platt David M. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Pratt Adaline 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (to Ezekiel Brownell) abt. 1837
Pratt Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Pratt 8 re: "The Old Pratt Mill" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Preble Effie, Miss 10 committee on young people's work, WCTU, Clinton WI 1886
Purrett Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1856
Putnam C. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Puttnam S. J. M., Capt. 11 special town meeting to raise bounty money for recruits 25 Jan 1865
Radway R. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Randall Charles 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Randall Jared H. 2 elected first Town supervisor 1842
Randall Jared H. 11 elected supervisor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Ransom A. G. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Reynolds E. A. 11 current principal, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Reynolds L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Reynolds Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Richardson Alonzo 5 became Clinton Post Master 05 Sep 1849
Rickley J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Ripley Mrs. 10 secretary Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Ritsher Louise, Miss 11 current assistant, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Rivers Harry 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Robertson Ole 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Robinson Mr. 11 current home stands near first Clinton School build in early 1840's 1898
Rogers May, Miss 10 secretary, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Rohrs H., Rev. 4 pastor of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1891-aft. 1898
Root H. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Russell J. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Samson Lewis 6 carried mail FROM Clinton P. O. to "Bergen" P. O. each day 1898
Sands Mr. 9 owner, of a successful creamery in Clinton, later sold bef.1898
Schlerf J., Rev. 4 pastor of the Janesville German Lutheran Church; installed Rev. Base 1883-1891
Schrandt August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Johann 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Karl, Jr. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Karl, Sr. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Sea(??) Lewis 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Seaman Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Seavert 8 Johnson & Seavert milliners was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Selkirk Jas. 8 Jas. Selkirk's harness shop was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Serl S. W. 9 senior partner, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Serl S. W. 5 served as the first W. F. S. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Shambaugh J. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Shepard A. W. 11 current director, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Shepard Carrie 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Shepard Frank C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Shepard Gilbert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sherman L. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sherman Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Shumway Jane E. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Simmons S. J. 11 partner, Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise 1898
Simmons 11 Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise, Clinton's oldest business 1898
Sines H. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sines W. J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sklaviem Eric 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Slossen S. O. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1847
Smith Artemus 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Smith Della, Mrs. 10 treasurer Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Smith E. S. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Smith H. A., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1882-1886
Smith Leon 9 owner of early Clinton area Warner place 1898
Smith O. P., Mrs. 10 national WCTU leader 1890
Smith P. W. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Smith U. (?) 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Smith Wm. 3 home was site of early Clinton Baptist services Sept, 1839
Snell C. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Snyder G. A. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Snyder J. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Snyder Wm. H. 5 became Clinton Post Master 03 Aug 1861
Soper Mrs. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) aft. 1887
Spaulding E. C. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Spaulding Nettie I. 11 Grammar Room teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Spaulding R. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Spencer J. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Springer P., Mrs. 10 president, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
St. John Mrs. Samuel 1 early Milwaukee settler 1836
St. John Samuel 1 early Milwaukee settler 1836
Stearns H. W., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1872-1878
Stewart Wm. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1846
Stewart Wm. 11 elected chairman, at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Stewart Wm. 6 served as first Post Master of Summerville estab. 1843
Stewart Wm., Col. 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Stewart Wm., Col. 2 elected first chairman of Town supervisors 1842
Stillman W. M. 9 chief engineer, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Stocking Elder 3 presiding elder of Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Stokes C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Strang Mr. 9 sexton of Clinton Cemetery 1898
Stubbert W. B., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1891-1896
Swift H. S. 6 with P. H. Swift, purchased Clinton Gazette newspaper 1878
Swift Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Swift P. H. 6 with H. S. Swift, purchased Clinton Gazette newspaper 1878
Tallman Alexis W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Tallman George 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Tasker Daniel 2 early Clinton settler abt. 1838
Tasker Daniel, Mrs. 2 one of first white women in Clinton 1838
Taylor Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church for 4 months abt. 1871
Taylor 8 re: Taylor House fire, then occupied by H. Cheesman 15 Jun 1896
Thomas D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Thomas F. S. 8 elected first supervisor of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Thomas S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Thompson O. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Thurston J. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Tillerson O. R. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Tolletson T. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Topliff R. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Topping Elder 3 clerk of Baptist meeting in home of John Lewis 11 May 1840
Topping F., Elder 2 conducted Clinton's first religious services 1839
Topping F., Elder 3 invited to preach half time in Clinton Baptist Church 24 Oct 1840
Topping F., Elder 3 held Baptist services in home of deacon S. Barrett, Clinton, Jan, 1840
Topping Rev. Albert 2 conducted early Clinton religious services abt. 1839
Torgerson T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Treat C. M. 4 Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 1872-1875
Treat Curt M. 6 became sole proprietor of Clinton Gazette newspaper 1875-1878
Treat Curt M. 6 with Chet M. Whitman, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 12 Nov 1874
Treat Grandma 10 early WCTU member, circulated prohibition petition 1877
Treat M. P. 11 current clerk, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Treat P. A., Mrs. 5 served as the first W. V. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
True M. B., Rev. 3 co-pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1850
Tubbs C. K. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Turner 6 with Hamilton, owner of Clinton Enterprise, Clinton's first newspaper estab. 06 Apr 1861
Tuttle Alice, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Tuttle Charles 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Tuttle Charles 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; died 1873; father of 6 (4 living in 1898) 1837
Tuttle Charles 2 home was site of Clinton's first religious services 1839
Tuttle Charles 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Tuttle Charles 11 his home was the site of the first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Tuttle Charles 2 home was site of first Town meeting 15 Apr. 1842
Tuttle Chas. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Deacon Chauncey 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Tuttle Elmira 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Eugene F. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Henry 2 elected first Town clerk 1842
Tuttle Henry 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Tuttle Henry 11 elected clerk at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Tuttle Julia 7 married Milton S. Tuttle in the "East"; d/o late Thomas Tuttle
Tuttle Rhoda 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Thomas 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Thomas 7 father of Julia; father-in-law of Milton S. Warner; died bef. 1898
Tuttle Thos. 2 donated the sight (sic) and much labor for Clinton Congreg'l Church abt. 1858
Tyler Geo. Gould 4 member of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Voorhees A. C. 11 elected treasurer at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Wainwright Arthur S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wainwright Edgar H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wakeford E. J. 8 owned a shop in Woodard Block that was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Walker 6 Frink & Walker Stage Lines delivered Clinton mail until R. R. arrived until 1856
Wallace Albert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wallis F. P. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wallis F. P. 9 re: Wallis Carriage Company, started by F. P. Wallis spring 1869
Wambold J. C. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Warner Charlotte S. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Julia 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Julia, Mrs. 7 with Mrs. Rachel T. Weaver, oldest surviving Clinton Pioneers living 1898
Warner M. S. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Milton S. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Warner Milton S. 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; marr. Julia Tuttle; he died 1877 1837
Warner Milton S. 4 first Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 Nov, 1872
Warner Milton S., Mrs. 2 mother of second child (Charlotte) born in Clinton born 1838
Warner Minna (?) C. 11 Second primary teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Warner P. F., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1864-1866
Watson G. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Watson I. N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Weaver Ellen J. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver G. 11 elected treasurer at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Weaver Griswold 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; died 1872; husb./o Rachel T. 1837
Weaver Griswold 2 first grain to mill; father of Mrs. S. S. Jones 1838
Weaver Griswold 2 elected first Town treasurer 1842
Weaver Griswold 5 succeeded Stephen Perley as Clinton Post Master bef. 1849
Weaver Jessie 7 Jessie (Weaver) Jones, wife of Hon. S. S. Jones; d/o Griswold living 1898
Weaver Olney F. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver Rachel T. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver Rachel T., Mrs. 7 with Mrs. Julia Warner, oldest surviving Clinton Pioneers living 1898
Weaver Rachel T., widow 7 Mrs. Griswold (Rachel T.) Weaver; mother of Miss Jessie living 1898
Weaver 8 re: "The Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Webster M. W., Rev. 3 co-pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1850
Webster Sibbie, Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Wellington W. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
West Dr. 8 neighbor of Giles Burt, whose home was spared in the Burt fire 09 Nov 1896
Westby Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Westinghouse J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Whitfield 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Whitman Chet. M. 6 with Curt M. Treat, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 12 Nov 1874
Wilcox Geo. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Wilcox George 6 publisher with Mrs. L. S. Wilcox of the Rock Co. Banner newspaper aft. 1887
Wilcox L. S., Mrs. 10 president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Wilcox L. S., Mrs. 6 started the Rock County Banner newspaper from Clinton estab. 1887
Wilcox Mrs. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) 1887
Wilkins W. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Willard R. P. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Willard R. P. 11 elected collector at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Willard R. P. 6 became Summerville Post Master 11 Jan 1850
Willard Reuben P. 2 elected first Town collector 1842
Willis Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Willis 2 Willis' Corner; site of Clinton Twp. first school abt. 1843
Wilson F. O. 8 current Clinton Village treasurer 1898
Wilson Frank 5 Treas. of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Winchell Mr., Rev. 3 secured to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 03 Jul 1843
Winegar V. F. 11 current treasurer, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Witt C. G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wollerman Karl 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Wood S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wood S. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wood Wm. C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Woodard Geo. 10 manages daily affairs of Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodard 8 fire broke out on the Woodard Block on Main St., Clinton, WI 15 Mar 1896
Woodard, Jr. A. 10 current cashier, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodard, Sr. A. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation; later acquired control 1882
Woodard, Sr. A. 10 current president, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodburry C. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Woodward O. L. 8 O. L. Woodward's drug store was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Woodward O. L. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wooster Bennett 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church 1844
Wooster Bennett, Mrs. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church 1844
Wooster H. S. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wooster H. S., Deacon 5 delivered Clinton's first Temperance speech 1845
Wooster Henry C. 11 representative to the Wisconsin Assembly 1864
Wooster Henry S. 6 became Clinton Post Master 15 Mar 1868
Worthing S. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wright Chas. 9 owner of early Clinton area Peck house 1898
Wright N. D. 6 of Delavan, along with Henry Coleman ran Clinton Enterprise newspaper 1868
Wright O. B. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Abell F. W. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Abram C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Adee J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Allard D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Allard Sarah, Mrs. 11 special town meeting to repair her home 05 Nov 1861
Allen Pliney, Deacon 5 Allen Grove resident and Cliton area Temperance activist fall 1845
Allen T. J. 6 with B. F. Latta, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 14 Oct 1871
Allyn Albert W. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Ames F. A. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Ames F. A. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Ames F. A. 8 elected first justice of the peace of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Ames T. A. 8 current Clinton Village justice of the peace 1898
Ames T. A. 10 re: T. A. Ames' place neighboring old D. G. Cheever pastuure land
Anderson H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Anderson H. A. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Anderson Henry S. 6 became Post Master of "Bergen" on Il-WI state line 1898
Anderson Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Anderson O. 12 organized Ev. Lutheran Congregation in the Town of Clinton 1849
Averill E. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Babcock E. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Babcock T. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Babcock T. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Baker Eliza, Miss 2 first school teacher in Clinton 1843
Baldwin Almon 8 current Clinton Village constable 1898
Baldwin Jas. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Ball C. J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Barker J. C. 8 current Clinton Village president 1898
Barrett Stephen 3 elected Deacon of Clinton Baptist Church 23 May 1840
Barrett Stephen, Deacon 3 among organizers of Clinton Baptist Church Nov, 1838
Barrett Stephen, family 3 relocated from OH to Clinton Twp., WI Aug, 1838
Base Emil, Rev. 4 pastor of the Clinton German Luteran Church 1886
Bean A. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bemis A. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benedict Abbie 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Benedict Charles 8 current Clinton Village marshall 1898
Benedict Jas. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Martha 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Mary 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Bennett Noyes 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benson E. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Benson Irene, Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Benson R. M. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Benson R. M. 5 served as the first W. C. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Bernard W. H., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1858-1863
Bird F. 5 Sect. of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Bird F. A. 8 current Clinton Village clerk 1898
Blynn E. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Boness Herm. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Luteran Church 1883
Bowers Dr. 6 followed Rev. C. C. Marston as editor of the Clinton Gazette newspaper 1879
Bowers Dr. 6 with R. W. Cheever and D. G. Cheever bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Bowers E. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bowers Norwood 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Bradley F. C. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Bradt A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Breckenridge D. M., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1870-1873
Brewer G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brewer Jas., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1867-1869
Briggs J. P. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Briggs Wm. 4 served as J. D. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Bronson G. F., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1874-1877
Bronson Jno. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brotherton P. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Brown W. C. 6 was proprietor of Clinton Gazette newspaper until 1882
Brownell Ezekiel 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (to Adaline Pratt) abt.1837
Bruce Jno. W. 8 elected first clerk of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Bruce Wm., Mrs. 10 president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Budlong J. E. B. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1894-1898
Buhring F., Rev. 4 organized the first German Lutheran Church of Clinton, WI 1883-1886
Buhring F., Rev. 3 delivered first German Lutheran sermon in Clinton home of F. Mix Jan, 1880
Burnett C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Burt Giles 8 re: barn fire near Clinton 09 Nov 1896
Butler J. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Butler John R. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Button Chas., Elder 3 engaged to preach in Clinton Baptist Church 28 Nov 1846
Bywater T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Calkins Willard 9 miller, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Campbell Helen 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Campbell J. S. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Campbell Janette 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Campbell Jas. 8 current Clinton Village police justice 1898
Campbell Robert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Campbell S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Carpenter E. J. 4 Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 1875
Carroll M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Case Adelbert M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Case J. O. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Case J. O., Mrs. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Case Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Caswell L. B. 11 special town meeting to raise bounty money for recruits 25 Jan 1865
Chamberlain J. A. 4 served as treas. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Chamberlain James 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Chamberlain Jas. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1844
Chandler George 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Chandler N. V. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Cheesman H. 8 resided in Taylor house, Clinton, WI, destroyed by fire 15 Jun 1896
Cheesman Henry 7 owner of late Griswold Weaver homestead; first frame building 1898
Cheesman Mr. 9 owner of earliest Clinton area frame building 1898
Cheever D. G. 11 enrolling officer for Union Troop recruitment 1864
Cheever D. G. 6 with R. W. Cheever and Dr. Bowers bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Cheever D. G. 9 former owner of early Clinton area home of Alonzo Richardson & father
Cheever D. G., Hon. 6 assisted Henry S. Wooster, Clinton Post Master until Apr 1867
Cheever R. W. Cover name of book's author 1898
Cheever R. W. 5 served as the first sent. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Cheever R. W. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1890-1894
Cheever R. W. 6 became sole proprietor of Clinton Gazette (later Herald) newspaper aft. 1882-1898
Cheever R. W. 6 with Dr. Bowers and D. G. Cheever bought the Clinton Gazette newspaper summer 1882
Cheever R. W. 9 editor of "Ancient Clinton", born in old Alonzo Richardson home
Cheney C. L., Father 4 named Noble Grand in the reorganized Clinton I. O .O. F. society Mar, 1868
Christopher Newhouse 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Church J. C. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Church J. C. 8 occupied the Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator at time of fire 14 Dec 1880
Church J. C. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Clarke W. J. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church aft.1886-1890
Cleghorn J. F. 11 elected clerk at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Cleghorn J. F. 5 served as the first W. S. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Cleghorn J. F., Capt. 10 started first bank in Clinton, WI
Cobb Hiram 9 manager, Clinton Truck Factory 1898
Cobb Nellie 5 served as the first dep. W. M. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Colegrove H. B. 11 born c. 1821; arrived Clinton 1855; harness shop 1864; living 1898 1898
Colegrove H. B. 8 H. B. Colegrove harness shop was lost to fire in the Clinton 15 Mar 1896
Coleman Henry 6 of Clinton along with N. D. Wright ran Clinton Enterprise newspaper 1868
Comstock P. P. (sic, P. C.) 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Comstock Rebecca 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Conger H. S., Judge 8 ordered election based on petition of Clinton Village to incorporate 13 Dec 1881
Conley H. W. 8 current Clinton Village supervisor 1898
Conley Henry 9 buttermaker, Clinton cooperative creamery owned by farmers 1898
Conley S. 11 elected assessor at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Cope Dora 10 rec. sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Cornelison C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Cornwell W. H. 4 home site of reorganized Clinton I. O .O. F. society Mar, 1868
Covert Dr. 9 resides on corner adjacent to old Peck House 1898
Covert George 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Covert Mary J. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Covert O. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Crandall C. L. 5 served as the first W. M. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Crandall H. B., Rev. 3 preacher in charge of Clinton Methodist Church 1857
Crockett Mary 11 First primary teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Cronkrite H. N. 6 became Clinton Post Master Apr 1886
Crosby P. 4 fitted-up a room for the Clinton I. O .O. F. to meet aft. 1868
Crossier Brothers 8 fire at Crossier Brother's business below YMCA rooms, Clinton 15 Mar 1896
Crotsenburg J. M. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Cummings E. B. 9 resident partner and manager, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Danielson D. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Davis D.A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Davis J. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Dexter F. N. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church aft.1891-1894
Dickerman P. D. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Dickerman P. D. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Dimrock E. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Dodge Gen. 1 first WI territorial governor Nov 1835
Dow Alma 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Dow Carrie 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Downer Alma 5 served as the first L. Supt. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Downer Lucy 2 first white child born in Clinton Twp. 1838
Downer S. S., Mrs. 2 mother of first child (Lucy) born in Clinton 1838
Downer Stephen E. 2 early Clinton settler aft.1838
Downer Stephen E., Mrs. 2 one of first white women in Clinton 1838
Downs L. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Doxstad K. B. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Doxstad K. B. 10 current vice-pres., Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Drake C. P. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Drake C. P. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Dresser Carrie 10 president, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1890
Dresser Carrie, Mrs. 10 financial sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Duxstad K. B. 6 came from Vos, Nor. & settled near Knudsons in Jefferson Prairie, WI betw.1839-1844
Dyke Josephine 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Eddy Thomas, Rev. 3 preached Clinton Methodist Church dedication sermon 1857
Edwards Wm. 10 built & managed Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Edwards Wm. 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Ege W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Emery Abner 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Emery Anna 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Erickson O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Estell Lu, Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Estes 10 re: old Estes place now has buildings all around it
Ewing Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Farr Corryden, Dr. 4 served as W. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Finster R. 3 German Lutheran Clinton residents sought pastor
Finster Robert 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Flanders Elder 3 preacher in charge of Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Flemming J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Florida O. H. 8 current Clinton Village assessor 1898
Foltz 8 Harden & Foltz Meat Market was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Fonder Peter John, Rev. 4 priest serving Clinton Catholics beg. 1846
Foss W. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Franes P. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Fredrickson Fred 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Frink 6 Frink & Walker Stage Lines delivered Clinton mail until R. R. arrived until 1856
Gates Anna 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Gates Ida 5 served as the first guard of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Gates O. C. 10 succeeded Capt. J. F. Cleghorn as Clinton Bank president
Gibbons Peter 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Gilbert L. R. 11 elected assessor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Gilbert Lovell R. 2 elected first Town assessor 1842
Gillman Jno. F. 5 became Clinton Post Master 16 Aug 1849
Gilmore W. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Good J. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Guild Wm. B. 2 married Charlotte Warner died bef. 1898
Guild Wm. B., Mrs. 2 formerly Charlotte Warner died aft.1898
Gulseth O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hahn August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hahn Wilhelm 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hallestad (?) O. J., Rev. 12 records show origin of Ev. Lutheran Congregation in Clinton
Hamilton 6 with Turner, owner of Clinton Enterprise, Clinton's first newspaper estab. 06 Apr 1861
Hammond John 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Hanson B. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson C. L. 8 elected first Clinton Village president 25 Feb 1882
Hanson J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hanson O., Rev. 4 pastor of the Hanover German Lutheran Church; installed Rev. Rohrs 1891
Hapell H., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1886-1891
Harden O. 8 elected first treasurer of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Harden 8 Harden & Foltz Meat Market was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Hartshorn J. W. 9 owner, Clinton Truck Factory bought 1887
Hartshorn W. I. 6 became Clinton Post Master 28 Feb 1865
Hartshorn 11 Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise, Clinton's oldest business 1898
Hasse August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Hatch E. B., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1858-1865
Hatch Minnie, Miss 10 president, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Hayes 10 re: old Hayes place now has buildings all around it
Helmer Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Henning August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Henning Fr. (Frau?) 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Henningson Robert 9 owner, Clinton Cooper Shop that was lost to fire 1879
Heron D. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Heron Fred 10 clerk of Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Heron Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Hildreth Ephram 2 home was site of early Clinton religious services 1839
Hill I. P. 9 foreman, Clinton Truck Factory 1898
Hobert J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Holgerson Thore 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Holmes Joshua 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holmes Thomas 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holmes Wm. 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Holverson Peter 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hopson D. L. 4 served as S. D. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Horning Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
House A. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
House J. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Howard C. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hoyt C. G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Hughes W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Humphrey F. A. 4 served as S. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Hunter Thomas 5 became Clinton Post Master 28 Apr 1856
Inman Alice, Mrs. 10 treasurer Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Inman John 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Inman 8 Inman house on N. side of Woodard Block was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Irish Anna, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Irish Ella 5 served as the first Assist. Sec. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Irish Jas. 8 the Irish Mill in Clinton was destroyed by fire 17 Feb 1896
Irish Jas. 6 became Clinton Post Master Apr 1867
Irish Nettie, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Isham A. S. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Isham A. S. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Isham Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Jacobson J. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jensson C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Jensson J. C., Rev. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jensson Mrs. Rev. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Jerman E. W. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Jerman E. W. 8 elected police justice of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Johnson C. K. 6 served as first Post Master of "Bergen" on Il-WI state line 1895
Johnson G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Johnson Myrtle, Mrs. 10 cor. sec., Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Johnson 8 Johnson & Seavert milliners was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Jones F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Jones J. W. 8 election inspectors for Clinton Village incorporation vote 21 Jan 1882
Jones J. W. 8 elected first constable of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Jones Jessie 7 Jessie (Weaver) Jones, wife of Hon. S. S. Jones; d/o Griswold living 1898
Jones Milo 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Jones Nellie 5 served as the first R. Supt. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Jones S. S., Mrs. 2 daughter of Griswold Weaver
Jones S., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1857
Jones W. R., Rev. 5 served as the first chap. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Kanouse T. D. 5 spoke to Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Karberg J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Kelly J. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Kennedy Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Kennedy S. A. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Kennedy 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Kimball C. S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Kimball John 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Kimball Martha 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Klass G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Knudson (or Natesta) Ansten 6 settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI (1813-1889) 1839
Knudson (or Natesta) Ole 6 first Scandinavian to settle WI (from Vaegli Val., Nor. (1807-1886) 01 Jul 1838
Knudson (or Natesta) Ole K. 2 first Norwegian settler; father of Henry Natesta
Knutson N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Krause Ludwig 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Krebs H. 3 German Lutheran Clinton residents sought pastor
Kundig Martin, Very Rev. 4 established Clinton Catholic services from Milwaukee Diocese fall 1844
Kunz C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lake P. W., Elder 3 moderator of Baptist meeting in home of John Lewis 11 May 1840
Lamonte W. T. 5 served as the first W. T. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Lanfald H. O. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Larson G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Latta B. F. 6 with T. J. Allen, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 14 Oct 1871
Latta W. J. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Lawson Lydia E. 11 First Int. teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Leek Mrs. Rev. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) 1890
Leek W. P., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Methodist Church 1898
Lettow J. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lewis Abel 3 elected Deacon of Clinton Baptist Church 23 May 1840
Lewis Abel F. 3 again visited brother John of Clinton summer 1839
Lewis Abel F., Deacon 3 visited brother of John of Clinton & held 1st Baptist meeting Nov, 1838
Lewis J. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Lewis John 3 home was site of Baptist meeting 11 May 1840
Lewis John 3 among organizers of Clinton Baptist Church Nov, 1838
Lewis John, family 3 relocated from PA to Clinton Twp., WI 30 Oct 1838
Lewis Prof. S. B. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Lewis S. B., Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Lewis T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Limbo F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
LittleJohn William 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Loomis T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Losee Peter 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Low G. A. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Machen C. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mack Benj. 4 served as J. M. of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Marsh D. G. 8 elected first marshal of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Marston C. C., Rev. 6 became editor of the Clinton Gazette newspaper 1879
Marston C. C., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1878-1881
Maxwell Spencer S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mayhew William A. 6 became Clinton Post Master 1898
Mayhew 8 re: the Mayhew Block of Clinton, WI 1898
McArthur Jennie D. 11 Second Int. teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
McCommons W. A. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
McDermot Dan. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
McNee Jas. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Mendenhall Eliza, Miss 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Merical J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Merrill L. J. 5 foreman of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Miller Louis L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Mills Dennis, Dr. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Mix F. 4 home was site of first German Lutheran sermon in Clinton Jan, 1880
Mix Ferd. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Mix Johann 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Mize T. S., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church until his death 1867-1871
Moehlenpab H. A., Rev. 10 current assist. cashier, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Moore Mary H. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Moore Samuel 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Moore W. H., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1895-1897
Moore W. W., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church for 6 months abt.1872
Morgan F. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Morgan L. C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Morris A. H. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Murray Allen G. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Murray B. F. 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Murray Heman 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1843
Murray Heman 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1854
Murray Heman 11 elected supervisor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Murray Heman (sic?) 2 elected first Town supervisor 1842
Murray Horatio J. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Murray John S. 7 bro./o Wm. S; last of 10 siblings; living Clinton, sect. 19 1898
Murray John S. 7 Clinton (1841) > Calif. (1849) > Clinton (1866-1898)
Murray William S. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Murray William S. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Murray Wm. S. 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; resided section 19; died 1877 1837
Murray Wm. S. 7 elected among first Rock Co., WI Commissioners Mar, 1840
Muzzy Jennie, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Nagle J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Nash Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Natesta Henry 2 son of Ole K. Knudson (or Natesta)
Natesta (or Knudson) Ansten 6 settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI (1813-1889) 1839
Natesta (or Knudson) Ole 6 first Scandinavian to settle WI (from Vaegli Val., Nor., 1807-1886) 01 Jul 1838
Natesta (or Knudson) Ole K. 2 first Norwegian settler; father of Henry Natesta
Natestad A. K. 12 Lutheran planning meeting near his Clinton home 1855
Natestad Henry, Mr. 12 elected treasurer, United Norwegian Lutheran Church, Clinton Mar, 1892
Nelson N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Nelson T. T. 12 elected secretary United Norwegian Lutheran Church, Clinton Mar, 1892
Neufer P. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Newell C. M., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1865-1867
Newell H. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Newell H., Mrs. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Newhouse C. C. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Newhouse Kittle 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Nora 6 Nora Creamery 1898
North J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Northrup Harson 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Northrup Harson, Mrs. 3 settled in Clinton and joined Clinton Methodist Church 1845
Northway T. D. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Northway W. S. 8 W. S. Northway's news depot was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Olds B. B. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Olds B. B. 9 owner and initiator of Clinton Cemetery expanded 1860
Olds L. L. 2 second clerk of Clinton Congregational Church; son of R. B. Olds
Olds L. L. 9 grandson of B. B. Olds
Olds R. B. 2 first clerk of Clinton Congregational Church; d. bef.1898; f/o L. L. Olds
Olds Sarah 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Oleson K. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Oleson S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Olmstead H. 8 H. Olmstead's residence was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Pangborn J. L. 8 J. L. Pangborn's shoe store was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Park H. H. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Parker B. F. 5 spoke to Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Parsons T. J., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church beg. 30 Aug 1896
Paschke J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Paulson Emma, Miss 10 treasurer, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Peet Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Peet S. D. Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt.1878-1885
Peet S. D. Rev. 6 publisher of the American Antiquarian magazine from Clinton bef.1898
Perkins Mrs. 4 owner of Millinery Parlors; Clinton I. O .O. F. met upstairs aft.1868
Perley Stephen 5 appointed Clinton Post Master 12 Jul 1844
Perrine Anna 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Perrine John 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Peters A. V. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Phillips O. J. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Pickett Moses, Rev. 3 re-engaged to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 07 Sep 1844
Pickett Moses, Rev. 3 secured to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 11 Nov 1843
Pierce H. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Pierce Joseph S. 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (Justice of Peace) abt. 1837
Pierce 8 re: "The Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Platt David M. 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Pratt Adaline 1 first Clinton Twp. marriage (to Ezekiel Brownell) abt. 1837
Pratt Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Pratt 8 re: "The Old Pratt Mill" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Preble Effie, Miss 10 committee on young people's work, WCTU, Clinton WI 1886
Purrett Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1856
Putnam C. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Puttnam S. J. M., Capt. 11 special town meeting to raise bounty money for recruits 25 Jan 1865
Radway R. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Randall Charles 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Randall Jared H. 2 elected first Town supervisor 1842
Randall Jared H. 11 elected supervisor at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Ransom A. G. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Reynolds E. A. 11 current principal, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Reynolds L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Reynolds Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Richardson Alonzo 5 became Clinton Post Master 05 Sep 1849
Rickley J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Ripley Mrs. 10 secretary Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Ritsher Louise, Miss 11 current assistant, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Rivers Harry 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Robertson Ole 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Robinson Mr. 11 current home stands near first Clinton School build in early 1840's 1898
Rogers May, Miss 10 secretary, Young Ladies' Society (Y's) and their gentlemen friends 1887
Rohrs H., Rev. 4 pastor of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1891-aft. 1898
Root H. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Russell J. D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Samson Lewis 6 carried mail FROM Clinton P. O. to "Bergen" P. O. each day 1898
Sands Mr. 9 owner, of a successful creamery in Clinton, later sold bef.1898
Schlerf J., Rev. 4 pastor of the Janesville German Lutheran Church; installed Rev. Base 1883-1891
Schrandt August 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Johann 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Karl, Jr. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Schrandt Karl, Sr. 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Sea(??) Lewis 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Seaman Prof. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Seavert 8 Johnson & Seavert milliners was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Selkirk Jas. 8 Jas. Selkirk's harness shop was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Serl S. W. 9 senior partner, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Serl S. W. 5 served as the first W. F. S. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
Shambaugh J. T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Shepard A. W. 11 current director, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Shepard Carrie 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Shepard Frank C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Shepard Gilbert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sherman L. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sherman Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Shumway Jane E. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Simmons S. J. 11 partner, Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise 1898
Simmons 11 Hartshorn & Simmons, general merchandise, Clinton's oldest business 1898
Sines H. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sines W. J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Sklaviem Eric 6 bought land & settled near Ole Knudson in Jefferson Prairie, WI 1839
Slossen S. O. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1847
Smith Artemus 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Smith Della, Mrs. 10 treasurer Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
Smith E. S. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Smith H. A., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1882-1886
Smith Leon 9 owner of early Clinton area Warner place 1898
Smith O. P., Mrs. 10 national WCTU leader 1890
Smith P. W. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Smith U. (?) 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Smith Wm. 3 home was site of early Clinton Baptist services Sept, 1839
Snell C. 5 named in charter of Alexis Tallman Post, No. 70, G. A. R. 18 Apr 1883
Snyder G. A. 8 current Clinton Village trustee 1898
Snyder J. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Snyder Wm. H. 5 became Clinton Post Master 03 Aug 1861
Soper Mrs. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) aft. 1887
Spaulding E. C. 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Spaulding Nettie I. 11 Grammar Room teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Spaulding R. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Spencer J. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Springer P., Mrs. 10 president, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1890
St. John Mrs. Samuel 1 early Milwaukee settler 1836
St. John Samuel 1 early Milwaukee settler 1836
Stearns H. W., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1872-1878
Stewart Wm. 11 elected chairman at Clinton Town meeting 1846
Stewart Wm. 11 elected chairman, at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Stewart Wm. 6 served as first Post Master of Summerville estab. 1843
Stewart Wm., Col. 2 one of inspectors of first Clinton Town election 1842
Stewart Wm., Col. 2 elected first chairman of Town supervisors 1842
Stillman W. M. 9 chief engineer, the Clinton Steam Flouring Mill 1898
Stocking Elder 3 presiding elder of Clinton Methodist Church fall 1844
Stokes C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Strang Mr. 9 sexton of Clinton Cemetery 1898
Stubbert W. B., Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1891-1896
Swift H. S. 6 with P. H. Swift, purchased Clinton Gazette newspaper 1878
Swift Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Swift P. H. 6 with H. S. Swift, purchased Clinton Gazette newspaper 1878
Tallman Alexis W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Tallman George 1 early Rock Co. settler Nov 1835
Tasker Daniel 2 early Clinton settler abt. 1838
Tasker Daniel, Mrs. 2 one of first white women in Clinton 1838
Taylor Rev. 3 pastor of Clinton Baptist Church for 4 months abt. 1871
Taylor 8 re: Taylor House fire, then occupied by H. Cheesman 15 Jun 1896
Thomas D. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Thomas F. S. 8 elected first supervisor of Clinton Village 25 Feb 1882
Thomas S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Thompson O. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Thurston J. H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Tillerson O. R. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Tolletson T. 12 named involving Ev. Lutheran Church, Clinton, WI 1855
Topliff R. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Topping Elder 3 clerk of Baptist meeting in home of John Lewis 11 May 1840
Topping F., Elder 2 conducted Clinton's first religious services 1839
Topping F., Elder 3 invited to preach half time in Clinton Baptist Church 24 Oct 1840
Topping F., Elder 3 held Baptist services in home of deacon S. Barrett, Clinton, Jan, 1840
Topping Rev. Albert 2 conducted early Clinton religious services abt. 1839
Torgerson T. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Treat C. M. 4 Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 1872-1875
Treat Curt M. 6 became sole proprietor of Clinton Gazette newspaper 1875-1878
Treat Curt M. 6 with Chet M. Whitman, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 12 Nov 1874
Treat Grandma 10 early WCTU member, circulated prohibition petition 1877
Treat M. P. 11 current clerk, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Treat P. A., Mrs. 5 served as the first W. V. of Clinton's Gem of the Prairie Lodge No. 205 15 May 1875
True M. B., Rev. 3 co-pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1850
Tubbs C. K. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Turner 6 with Hamilton, owner of Clinton Enterprise, Clinton's first newspaper estab. 06 Apr 1861
Tuttle Alice, Miss 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Tuttle Charles 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Tuttle Charles 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; died 1873; father of 6 (4 living in 1898) 1837
Tuttle Charles 2 home was site of Clinton's first religious services 1839
Tuttle Charles 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of common schools 1842
Tuttle Charles 11 his home was the site of the first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Tuttle Charles 2 home was site of first Town meeting 15 Apr. 1842
Tuttle Chas. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Deacon Chauncey 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Tuttle Elmira 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Eugene F. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Henry 2 elected first Town clerk 1842
Tuttle Henry 2 elected one of first Town commissioners of highways 1842
Tuttle Henry 11 elected clerk at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Tuttle Julia 7 married Milton S. Tuttle in the "East"; d/o late Thomas Tuttle
Tuttle Rhoda 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Thomas 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Tuttle Thomas 7 father of Julia; father-in-law of Milton S. Warner; died bef. 1898
Tuttle Thos. 2 donated the sight (sic) and much labor for Clinton Congreg'l Church abt. 1858
Tyler Geo. Gould 4 member of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. & A. M. 11 Jun 1862
Voorhees A. C. 11 elected treasurer at Clinton Town meeting 1876
Wainwright Arthur S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wainwright Edgar H. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wakeford E. J. 8 owned a shop in Woodard Block that was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Walker 6 Frink & Walker Stage Lines delivered Clinton mail until R. R. arrived until 1856
Wallace Albert 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wallis F. P. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wallis F. P. 9 re: Wallis Carriage Company, started by F. P. Wallis spring 1869
Wambold J. C. 8 elected or appointed among first Clinton Village trustees 25 Feb 1882
Warner Charlotte S. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Julia 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Julia, Mrs. 7 with Mrs. Rachel T. Weaver, oldest surviving Clinton Pioneers living 1898
Warner M. S. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw.1858-1876
Warner Milton S. 1 early Clinton settler 1837
Warner Milton S. 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; marr. Julia Tuttle; he died 1877 1837
Warner Milton S. 4 first Worthy Master of the Clinton Grange, P. of H., No. 38 Nov, 1872
Warner Milton S., Mrs. 2 mother of second child (Charlotte) born in Clinton born 1838
Warner Minna (?) C. 11 Second primary teacher, Clinton Public Schools 1898
Warner P. F., Rev. 2 Minister & Pastor, Clinton Congregational Church abt. 1864-1866
Watson G. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Watson I. N. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Weaver Ellen J. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver G. 11 elected treasurer at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Weaver Griswold 7 one of six Clinton Pioneers; died 1872; husb./o Rachel T. 1837
Weaver Griswold 2 first grain to mill; father of Mrs. S. S. Jones 1838
Weaver Griswold 2 elected first Town treasurer 1842
Weaver Griswold 5 succeeded Stephen Perley as Clinton Post Master bef. 1849
Weaver Jessie 7 Jessie (Weaver) Jones, wife of Hon. S. S. Jones; d/o Griswold living 1898
Weaver Olney F. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver Rachel T. 2 among organizers of the Clinton Congregational Church betw. 1858-1876
Weaver Rachel T., Mrs. 7 with Mrs. Julia Warner, oldest surviving Clinton Pioneers living 1898
Weaver Rachel T., widow 7 Mrs. Griswold (Rachel T.) Weaver; mother of Miss Jessie living 1898
Weaver 8 re: "The Weaver and Pierce [grain] Elevator" burned in a fire 14 Dec 1880
Webster M. W., Rev. 3 co-pastor of Clinton Baptist Church 1850
Webster Sibbie, Miss 11 served as a teacher at one time or another in Clinton, WI
Wellington W. F. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
West Dr. 8 neighbor of Giles Burt, whose home was spared in the Burt fire 09 Nov 1896
Westby Mrs. 10 vice-president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Westinghouse J. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Whitfield 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Whitman Chet. M. 6 with Curt M. Treat, started the Clinton Gazette newspaper estab. 12 Nov 1874
Wilcox Geo. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation 1882
Wilcox George 6 publisher with Mrs. L. S. Wilcox of the Rock Co. Banner newspaper aft. 1887
Wilcox L. S., Mrs. 10 president Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1886
Wilcox L. S., Mrs. 6 started the Rock County Banner newspaper from Clinton estab. 1887
Wilcox Mrs. 10 supt., children's society of WCTU (L. T. L.'s Gospel Temperance) 1887
Wilkins W. M. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Willard R. P. 2 elected one of first Town constables 1842
Willard R. P. 11 elected collector at Clinton's first Town meeting 05 Aug 1842
Willard R. P. 6 became Summerville Post Master 11 Jan 1850
Willard Reuben P. 2 elected first Town collector 1842
Willis Mrs. 10 early member, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Clinton, WI 1877
Willis 2 Willis' Corner; site of Clinton Twp. first school abt. 1843
Wilson F. O. 8 current Clinton Village treasurer 1898
Wilson Frank 5 Treas. of Clinton Fire Company 1898
Winchell Mr., Rev. 3 secured to preach every other week in Clinton Baptist Church 03 Jul 1843
Winegar V. F. 11 current treasurer, Clinton Public School Board 1898
Witt C. G. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wollerman Karl 4 among organizers of the Clinton German Lutheran Church 1883
Wood S. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wood S. L. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wood Wm. C. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Woodard Geo. 10 manages daily affairs of Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodard 8 fire broke out on the Woodard Block on Main St., Clinton, WI 15 Mar 1896
Woodard, Jr. A. 10 current cashier, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodard, Sr. A. 10 built Citizens' Bank of Clinton following incorporation; later acquired control 1882
Woodard, Sr. A. 10 current president, Citizens' Bank of Clinton 1898
Woodburry C. W. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Woodward O. L. 8 O. L. Woodward's drug store was lost to the Clinton fire 15 Mar 1896
Woodward O. L. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wooster Bennett 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church 1844
Wooster Bennett, Mrs. 3 among organizers of the Clinton Methodist Church 1844
Wooster H. S. 8 among signators of petition to incorporate Clinton Village 19 Aug 1881
Wooster H. S., Deacon 5 delivered Clinton's first Temperance speech 1845
Wooster Henry C. 11 representative to the Wisconsin Assembly 1864
Wooster Henry S. 6 became Clinton Post Master 15 Mar 1868
Worthing S. E. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War
Wright Chas. 9 owner of early Clinton area Peck house 1898
Wright N. D. 6 of Delavan, along with Henry Coleman ran Clinton Enterprise newspaper 1868
Wright O. B. 7 among Clinton volunteer veterans of the Civil War