General Information
The RCGS is dedicated to helping everyone interested in Rock Co. family history gain knowledge and skills to advance their research. As a nonprofit organization, RCGS can perform fee-based research for you, but this page provides links to sites which provide resources, strategies, tools and helpful advice you can explore for yourself. This page is organized into tools and resources to provide a "game plan" for personal research success.
Here are a variety of external links to assist family researchers
Here are a variety of external links to assist family researchers
- Beginners' Guide to Family Research - a step-by-step "how-to" for getting started
- Genealogy Research Strategies - detailed advice for each of dozens of record types
- Genealogy Resources Online (comprehensive link collection courtesy of Elliot Phillips)
- FamilySearch (LDS) Wiki for Rock County, Wisconsin Genealogy (comprehensive link collection)
- 150 Useful Links to Rock County Family Research (a wide variety of mostly external research links)
- Yet More (60+) Useful Links to Rock County Family Research (a wide variety of external research links)
- 80 FREE and FUN Links for Family Researchers (some useful; some just goofy)
- Earliest Rock Co. Birth & Death Records (from county records: alpha list of earliest vital records)
- NEW Dictionary of Antiquated Occupations - from Abactor (cattle rustler) to Zythepsarist (alcohol brewer)
- A Genealogist's Guide to Tracing People from Our Past - useful advice for researchers
- Ellis Island History and Related Search Links (link collection courtesy of 7th grader, Lucas & his teacher, Delia)
- Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853 (an "every page" digital image from this historic work)
- Rock County, Wisconsin Register of Deeds (link to the county courthouse's vital Records repository)
- Wisconsin Gen Web - Rock County (a unique collection of Rock Co., WI records)
- Linkpendium - Rock county, Wisconsin (a vast collection of genealogy links for Rock county)
- Declaration of Intent Rock County, Wisconsin (naturalization and citizenship records from LDS))
- Janesville Hedberg Public Library (genealogy resources)
- Photographs: Organizing, Scanning, Restoring & Storing Family Photos (comprehensive advice)
- Wisconsin Historical Society (family history page)
- Wisconsin State Genealogical Society (Rock County resource page)
- Wisconsin Death Records (a records guide to Wisconsin death records)
- 80 Genealogy Freebies (a vast collection of free resources on the web)